This article describes how to use commands on esxi host.
VMware ESXi vim-cmd Commands
Commands available under vim-cmd/:
As you can see, there are sub-command categories
let’s drive down each categories.
Virtual Machine Management Commands
Again, to find out what specific commands available in each category, you just type the
subcommand such as vmsvc here.
~ # vim-cmd vmsvc
Commands available under vmsvc/:
acquiremksticket get.snapshotinfo
acquireticket get.spaceNeededForConsolidation
connect get.summary
convert.toTemplate get.tasklist
convert.toVm getallvms
createdummyvm gethostconstraints
destroy login
device.connection logout
device.connusbdev message
device.disconnusbdev power.getstate
device.diskadd power.hibernate
device.diskremove power.on
device.getdevices power.reboot
device.toolsSyncSet power.reset
device.vmiadd power.shutdown
device.vmiremove power.suspend
devices.createnic power.suspendResume
disconnect queryftcompat
get.capability reload
get.config setscreenres
get.config.cpuidmask snapshot.create
get.configoption snapshot.dumpoption
get.datastores snapshot.get
get.disabledmethods snapshot.remove
get.environment snapshot.removeall
get.filelayout snapshot.revert
get.filelayoutex snapshot.setoption
get.guest tools.cancelinstall
get.guestheartbeatStatus tools.install
get.managedentitystatus tools.upgrade
get.networks unregister
get.runtime upgrade
Proxy Service Commands:-
This category of commands are associated with networking as you can see from the
following console output.
~ # vim-cmd proxysvc
Commands available under proxysvc/:
add_np_service disconnect port_info
add_tcp_service login remove_service
connect logout service_list
These commands are mostly straight-forward. Here is an example with port_info. The
information displayed from this command is consistent with the hostd configuration you
can find at /etc/vmware/rhttpproxy/endpoints.conf.
~ # vim-cmd proxysvc/port_info
Http Port: 80
Https Port: 443
~ # vim-cmd proxysvc/service_list
(vim.ProxyService.EndpointSpec) [
(vim.ProxyService.LocalServiceSpec) {
dynamicType = <unset>,
serverNamespace = "/",
accessMode = "httpsWithRedirect",
port = 8309,
(vim.ProxyService.LocalServiceSpec) {
dynamicType = <unset>,
serverNamespace = "/client/clients.xml",
accessMode = "httpAndHttps",
port = 8309,
(vim.ProxyService.LocalServiceSpec) {
dynamicType = <unset>,
serverNamespace = "/ha-nfc",
accessMode = "httpAndHttps",
port = 12001,
(vim.ProxyService.LocalServiceSpec) {
dynamicType = <unset>,
serverNamespace = "/sdk",
accessMode = "httpsWithRedirect",
port = 8307,
(vim.ProxyService.NamedPipeTunnelSpec) {
dynamicType = <unset>,
serverNamespace = "/sdkTunnel",
accessMode = "httpOnly",
pipeName = "/var/run/vmware/proxy-sdk-tunnel",
Solo Commands :-
vim-cmd solo
Commands available under solo/:
connect environment logout querycfgoptdesc
disconnect login querycfgopt registervm
Most of the commands like environment, querycfgopt, querycfgoptdesc are for showing the
environment that a ComputeResource presents for creating and configuring a virtual
machine. The corresponding managed object is the EnvironmentBrowser in vSphere APIs.
~ # vim-cmd solo/querycfgoptdesc
(vim.vm.ConfigOptionDescriptor) [
(vim.vm.ConfigOptionDescriptor) {
dynamicType = <unset>,
key = "vmx-03",
description = "ESX 2.x virtual machine",
createSupported = false,
defaultConfigOption = false,
runSupported = false,
upgradeSupported = false,
(vim.vm.ConfigOptionDescriptor) {
dynamicType = <unset>,
key = "vmx-04",
description = "ESX 3.x virtual machine",
createSupported = true,
defaultConfigOption = false,
runSupported = true,
upgradeSupported = true,
(vim.vm.ConfigOptionDescriptor) {
dynamicType = <unset>,
key = "vmx-07",
description = "ESX/ESXi 4.x virtual machine",
createSupported = true,
defaultConfigOption = false,
runSupported = true,
upgradeSupported = true,
(vim.vm.ConfigOptionDescriptor) {
dynamicType = <unset>,
key = "vmx-08",
description = "ESXi 5.0 virtual machine",
createSupported = true,
defaultConfigOption = false,
Hostsvc commands :-
~ # vim-cmd hostsvc
Commands available under hostsvc/:
advopt/ enable_ssh
autostartmanager/ firewall_disable_ruleset reset_service
datastore/ firewall_enable_ruleset runtimeinfo
datastorebrowser/ get_service_status set_hostid
firmware/ hostconfig
net/ hosthardware
rsrc/ hostsummary
storage/ login start_service
summary/ logout start_ssh
vmotion/ maintenance_mode_enter stop_esx_shell
connect maintenance_mode_exit stop_service
cpuinfo pci_add stop_ssh
disable_esx_shell pci_remove task_list
disable_ssh queryconnectioninfo
disconnect querydisabledmethods
enable_esx_shell refresh_firewall
Most of these command categories are self explantory, for example, datastore,
autostartmanager, datastore, datastorebrowser, firmware, storage, summary, vmotion. Note
that the summary is not really the same as you find from summary property of HostSystem
managed object in vSphere API.
To find out what is there in summary, just type the command:
~ # vim-cmd hostsvc/summary
Commands available under hostsvc/summary/:
fsvolume hba scsilun
The three commands there are really for listing file system volumes, host based adapters,
and SCSI LUNs.
HBR is replication related commands
# vim-cmd /hbrsvc
Commands available under /hbrsvc/:
vmreplica.abort vmreplica.pause
vmreplica.create vmreplica.queryReplicationState
vmreplica.disable vmreplica.reconfig
vmreplica.diskDisable vmreplica.resume
vmreplica.diskEnable vmreplica.startOfflineInstance
vmreplica.enable vmreplica.stopOfflineInstance
vmreplica.getConfig vmreplica.sync
~ # vim-cmd /hbrsvc/vmreplica.getState
Insufficient arguments.
Usage: vmreplica.getState vmid
Get the state of the specified replication group
~ # vim-cmd /hbrsvc/vmreplica.getState 8
Retrieve VM running replication state:
(vim.fault.ReplicationVmFault) {
dynamicType = <unset>,
faultCause = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,
reason = "notConfigured",
state = <unset>,
instanceId = <unset>,
vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:8',
msg = "vSphere Replication operation error: Virtual machine is not configured for replication.",
<strong>Internal Service Commands</strong>
Again these commands are not related to the internal APIs, but rather services for performa
possible commands, just type as follows:
<pre lang="bash">
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