
PowerCLI Scripting

 What is PowerCLI?

PowerCLI is an interface from VMware that integrates vCenter with Windows PowerShell.  Which means that an administrator can use Windows PowerShell scripts (.PS1) to execute jobs within vCenter.

Here you can get static links:

How to Find orphaned VMDK’s in vCenter by using PowerClI 

How to remove snapshots in vCenter by using powershell

Power on bulk VMs(list of VMs) & check the power status

Identifying virtual machines with Raw Device Mappings (RDMs) using PowerCLI

Reviewing and Configuring Virtual Machines through POWERCLI

SVmotion through POWERCLI

Changing the ESXI host forgotten root password using PowerCli

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VMware Docs


PowerCLI Scripting PowerCLI Scripting Reviewed by Virtulization on May 27, 2021 Rating: 5

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