
vSphere replication warning(RPO violation)

This article describes how to troubleshooting the issue.

This message "Sync (RPO Violation)" simply means that you exceeded RPO time determined when configuring VM Replication, 

Recently I encountered the issue, following troubleshooting as below.

> Target datastore have sufficient space.

> VM is powered on state and no other issue.

>  I observed it was sync on before one day.

To fix the issue, I just click the VM and reconfigure the VM and continue by default options.

> It will get incremental sync after performed on page.

> Wait for complete the sync.

You can verify replica status and other information through command line on source VM esxi host.

 # vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms

 # vim-cmd /hbrsvc

Commands available under /hbrsvc/:

vmreplica.abort vmreplica.pause

vmreplica.create vmreplica.queryReplicationState

vmreplica.disable vmreplica.reconfig

vmreplica.diskDisable vmreplica.resume

vmreplica.diskEnable vmreplica.startOfflineInstance

vmreplica.enable vmreplica.stopOfflineInstance

vmreplica.getConfig vmreplica.sync


~ # vim-cmd /hbrsvc/vmreplica.getState

Insufficient arguments.

Usage: vmreplica.getState vmid

Get the state of the specified replication group

~ # vim-cmd /hbrsvc/vmreplica.getState 154

Retrieve VM running replication state:

(vim.fault.ReplicationVmFault) {

dynamicType = <unset>,

faultCause = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

reason = "notConfigured",

state = <unset>,

instanceId = <unset>,

vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:8',

msg = "vSphere Replication operation error: Virtual machine is not configured for replication.",


If not resolve the issue, follow the below steps:-

> select the specific vm and remove (select retain replica disks) from vSphere replica.

> Then re-add the VM with same configuration and select seeds while configuring            

> it will be resolve the issue.

vSphere replication warning(RPO violation) vSphere replication warning(RPO violation) Reviewed by Virtulization on October 24, 2023 Rating: 5

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