
How to identify orphned vmdk files command line

To verify orphaned vmdk files thorough esxcli commands.

Best method to identify orphaned .vmdk files by using RV tools. 

These orphaned files are not used anyway. These files are occupied provisioning space.

> Login ESXI host thorough putty session.

> # cd /vmfs/volumes

> # /vmfs/volumes/# ls -l


[root@esxihost:/vmfs/volumes/datastore/Migration-TestVm] touch *

touch: Migration-TestVm-e83f6046.vswp: Device or resource busy

touch: Migration-TestVm.nvram: Device or resource busy

touch: Migration-TestVm.vmx: Device or resource busy

touch: Migration-TestVm.vmx.lck: Device or resource busy

touch: Migration-TestVm.vmx~: Device or resource busy

touch: Migration-TestVm_1-000001-delta.vmdk: Device or resource busy

touch: Migration-TestVm_1-000002-ctk.vmdk: Device or resource busy

touch: Migration-TestVm_1-000002-delta.vmdk: Device or resource busy

touch: Migration-TestVm_1-flat.vmdk: Device or resource busy

touch: Migration-TestVm_2-000001-delta.vmdk: Device or resource busy

touch: Migration-TestVm_2-000002-ctk.vmdk: Device or resource busy

touch: Migration-TestVm_2-000002-delta.vmdk: Device or resource busy

touch: Migration-TestVm_2-flat.vmdk: Device or resource busy

touch: vmware.log: Device or resource busy

touch: vmx-Migration-TestVm-07a1add73eb3bf20538560f2426e514cf13a5099-1.vswp: Device or resource busy


> Device or resource busy means.. these files are using.

> VM should power on state then we can run touch * command on esxi host.

How to identify orphned vmdk files command line How to identify orphned vmdk files command line Reviewed by Virtulization on July 16, 2023 Rating: 5

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