
No hosts with hardware version '19' and datastore(s) '"datastore"' which are powered on and not in maintenance mode are available.

 No hosts with hardware version '19' and datastore(s) '"datastore"' which are powered on and not in maintenance mode are available.

we encountered the issue, when we run the SRM test and getting this error and not moving further step.

As part of troubleshooting :-

> Rescaned placed hold datastore's and esxi hosts also.

> Recreated the protection groups and recovery plans.

>  We created resource plan on clusters and move these into cluster.

It is very helpful VMware article click here

In my scenario, tried these all steps but not resolve the issue.

finally we observed that resource pools incorrect mapping on SRM. 

in order to fix the issue, we deleted all resouce pool mapping and re-added it.

Now it works  fine.


No hosts with hardware version '19' and datastore(s) '"datastore"' which are powered on and not in maintenance mode are available. No hosts with hardware version '19' and datastore(s) '"datastore"' which are powered on and not in maintenance mode are available. Reviewed by Virtulization on June 20, 2023 Rating: 5

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