
Failed to quiesce the virtual machine in vmware

I'm encountering the issue "Failed to quiesce the virtual machine" on one VM in vCenter.

when we try to take manually and eanble quiesce option its not happening.


Error message

Task Name

 Create virtual machine snapshot


 An error occurred while quiescing the virtual machine. See the virtual machine's event log for details. An error occurred while taking a snapshot: Failed to quiesce the virtual machine. An error occurred while saving the snapshot: Failed to quiesce the virtual machine.



1. One VMs fails to create snapshot in first time but successfully creates on second time automatically through backup software. 

2. When the backup is started, the snapshot task fails with below error,  

"2023-01-09T03:16:07.292Z In(05) vcpu-1 - [msg.snapshot.quiesce.startfail] Failed to start           quiescing operation in the virtual.

2023-01-09T03:16:07.292Z In(05)+ vcpu-1 - The error message was: Error initializing quiesce operation. "

Following Troubleshooting steps 

Method 1:-

Uninstall and re-install the VMware tools and check for backup.

If still fails, install VMware tools by disabling VSS.  

>   Uninstall VMware Tools (removing VMware Tools removes Vmware Tools features as well as  the           VMXNET driver, see Choosing a network adapter for your virtual machine).

Allow the system to reboot. 

Reinstall VMware Tools. 

Ensure that you click Custom Install. Deselect VSS

Method 2:-

> To disable application level quiescing for snapshots, use one of the following methods:

>  [Windows and Linux OS] Disable application level quiescing using vSphere Client or ESXi host      

>  Power off the virtual machine.

> Log in to the vCenter Server using vSphere Client or the ESXi host with the Host Client.

> Right-click the virtual machine and click Edit settings.

> Click the Options tab.

> Navigate to Advanced > General > Configuration Parameters.

> Add or modify the row: disk.EnableUUID with the value FALSE.

> Click OK to save.

> Click OK to exit.

> Power the virtual machine back on again.

> You may need to unregister/reregister the VM from the vCenter inventory if the issue is still present. 

> Power off the virtual machine.

> Notate the virtual machine's datastore directory path to the  .vmx file.

> Right-click the virtual machine.

> Click Remove from Inventory.

> Reregister the virtual machine back to the inventory by navigating to the virtual machine's datastore >    folder, right-click on the .vmx file, and register

> [Windows OS only] Disable VSS application quiescing using the VMware Tools configuration:

> Open the file C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware Tools\Tools.conf file using a text editor.

>  If the file does not exist at the location mentioned above, create it.

> Add these entries to the file:

vss.disableAppQuiescing = true

> Save and close the file.

> Restart the VMware Tools Service.

> Click Start > Run, type services.msc, and click OK.

> Right-click the VMware Tools Service and click Restart

Failed to quiesce the virtual machine in vmware Failed to quiesce the virtual machine in vmware Reviewed by Virtulization on May 08, 2023 Rating: 5

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