
Storage migration failed

I encountered the problem while doing the storage migration.  The following error message is displayed.


" Failed waiting for data. Error 195887250. Migration determined a failure by the VMX. 2021-05-08T09:31:56.0804Z Storage vMotion failed to initialize copy of disk-specific file. Failed to start SvMotion. Error during disk setup. A fatal internal error occurred. See the virtual machine's log for more details. 2021-05-08T09:31:56.116659Z"

Confirmed that all parameters are as follows:

> Enough storage space on the datastore.

> Checked the status of SCSI controller bus sharing.

After doing the Vmotion on this VM, the problem was addressed. 

I performed the storage Vmotion without issue.

Storage migration failed Storage migration failed Reviewed by Virtulization on May 08, 2023 Rating: 5

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