
VMware-vCenter not login no healthy upstream

I encountered the problem of vCenter not being able to login and receiving the error shown below.

"no healthy upstream" 

I ran a putty session and double-checked a couple things.

# df -h

# Uptime

# service-control --status 

I'm not getting a response on the status of services. I restarted the vCenter VM, but nothing changed.

While accessing the console page, the screen below appears.

As part of troubleshooting following on commands on console page.

# /bin/sh

# /bin/mount

# blkid

# e2fsck -y /dev/sda3

# e2fsck -y /dev/mapper/log_vg-log

# reboot

not resolving the issue and still appear same thing.

# /bin/sh

# /bin/mount

# blkid

# e2fsck -y /dev/vg_root_0/lv_root_0

# Reboot

Issue has been fixed after restarted the server. vCenter able to login without issue now.

VMware-vCenter not login no healthy upstream VMware-vCenter not login no healthy upstream Reviewed by Virtulization on May 04, 2023 Rating: 5

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