
vSphere replication-Invalid configuration for device '0'

This article describes how to troubleshooting the issue.

Issue: Invalid configuration for device '0'

Recently I encountered the issue, while performing the disaster recovery plan recovery getting this error.

Cause: excluding one disk when configured the replica on VM.

Workaround solution:

> Please browse to the vm folder on target datastore

> move/delete .vmsd file to temp or another location 

> now to run recovery again .it get succeed. 

Permanent solution:


> Before perform the disaster recovery planned migration, remove the disk from inventory (don't delete it).

> Wait for next RPO timings is completed.

> Now you can run disaster recovery planned migration.

> Re-add the disk when revert back to VM from source vCenter.


> Reconfigure all disks from vSphere replication (if sufficient space available on target datastore)

> Extend the target datastore 1.5 times of source datastore.

> Now you can run the disaster recovery planned migration.

> It will work without issue.

vSphere replication-Invalid configuration for device '0' vSphere replication-Invalid configuration for device '0' Reviewed by Virtulization on October 21, 2023 Rating: 5

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