HPE Superdome useful commands
It is required to perform the health checks after replaced the hardware parts.
After memory DIMM replacement Procedure
> Take a putty session ILO console IP by using administrator credentials.
1. Slide the chassis into the rack and reconnect the cables.
a. Connect the UPI cables to the front of the chassis.
b. Connect the I/O cables and power cords to the rear of the chassis.
2. Connect power to the system but do not power on the system.
3. To verify cabling, run test upi.
eRMC cli> test upi
Recable and run the utility again if necessary.
4. Power on the system and boot to the UEFI Shell.
eRMC cli> power on npar bootopt=uefishell
5. To confirm that there are no CRC errors or dropped lanes, run test upi again.
eRMC cli> test upi
6. Check the status of the system hardware.
eRMC cli> show health
eRMC cli> show complex
eRMC cli> show npar
eRMC cli> show cae
eRMC cli> show indict
eRMC cli> show deconfig
eRMC cli> show logs sel
eRMC cli> show chassis info
7. Boot the operating system.
8. Verify that the memory configuration includes all memory.
linux# topology --nodes
linux# free
linux# top
9. (Optional) Run olcmt for 15 minutes if it is available and time permits.
linux# olcmt -runtime 15
10. To log the hardware status after replacing the part, run collect rcu.
RMC cli> collect rcu
11.Rmc cli > show npar
12. RMC cli > power off force
13. RMC cli > power on npar bootopt=uefishell
14. RMC cli > power cycle bmc
15. RMC cli > show chassis list
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