
Hyperthreading not enabling on esxi hosts.

 Hyperthreading not enabling on esxi hosts.

When we tired to enable Hyperthreading option on esxi host.

Make sure esxi host should be maintenance mode.

> Go to configure on esxi host and choose overview.

> Edit hyperthreading option and enabled option.

> reboot the esxi host and verify the host.

If unable to enable while using this option, follow the below steps

  • Verify enable on BIOS level.
  • Under System, click Advanced System Settings and select VMkernel.Boot.hyperthreading. (true)


If still unable to enable hyper threading active. Please apply below setting on esxi host.


  • Under System, click Advanced System Settings and select hyperthreadingMitigationIntraVM (false)

> Reboot the esxi host and verify now.

Hyperthreading not enabling on esxi hosts. Hyperthreading not enabling on esxi hosts. Reviewed by Virtulization on April 18, 2023 Rating: 5

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