
SSO authentication error after vCenter upgrade 7X

 I recently upgraded from 6.7 to 7.0 U3 version but when I tried to login alias name getting SSO authentication error. In order to fix the issue we have to alias name into vCenter VM.

I noticed that it works FQDN name and IP address but only issue on alias name which has short name.

Implementation plan:

> Take the snapshot/backup of vCenter VM's

> Log in to the vCenter Server via SSH/PuTTY session as root, and enable shell

> Stop the vSphere client service using below command

> service-control --stop vsphere-ui

> Navigate to the vsphere-ui location to edit webclient.properties

> cd /etc/vmware/vsphere-ui/

> Before editing take a backup of webclient.properties  using below command,

> cp webclient.properties /var/tmp/webclient.properties.bak

> Add the desired shortname under the sso.serviceprovider.alias.whitelist

> vi webclient.properties

> Type i to enter insert mode

> Remove the comment (#) for sso.serviceprovider.alias.whitelist=

> Add the shortname (comma separated if there are multiple values)

> Save and exit the VI editor by pressing Esc to exit insert mode, then wq!

> Example:



Start the vSphere client service.

service-control --start vsphere-ui


> Perform the health checks on vCenter's.


SSO authentication error after vCenter upgrade 7X SSO authentication error after vCenter upgrade 7X Reviewed by Virtulization on August 05, 2022 Rating: 5

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