
Unable to apply DRS resource settings on the host

 Unable to apply DRS resource settings on host. we see an error message on the host summary tab.

To understand the issue, you can refer to the management agents logs, namely the ESXi host agent log and vCenter agent log.

Perform a SSH into the host that displayed the above mentioned error.

– For ESXI host agent log, the log file is found in /var/log/hostd.log
– For vCenter agent log, the log file is found in /var/log/vpxa.log

I hope this provides you with more information on what the underlying root cause of the problem is.

Error Message:

Unable to apply DRS resource settings on the host. The operation is not allowed in the current state. This can significantly reduce the effectiveness of DRS.

Just restart the management agents (hostd and vpxa) on the host.

1. SSH to Esxi host with root credentials.

2. Please follow the below commands.

/etc/init.d/hostd restart

/etc/init.d/vpxa restart

If this does not fix the issue, Please follow the below procedure.

1. Place the host into maintenance mode. (Migrate VMs manually, If DRS is not fully automatically)

2. Ensure that there are no virtual machines running on the host.

3. Remove the ESXi/ESX host by dragging it out of the cluster.

4. Re-add the ESXi/ESX host by dragging it into the cluster.

5. Exit from maintenance mode.

To verify that vCenter Server Agent is running:

/etc/init.d/vpxa status

And verify hosd service.

/etc/init.d/hostd status


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Unable to apply DRS resource settings on the host Unable to apply DRS resource settings on the host Reviewed by Virtulization on May 12, 2021 Rating: 5

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