
How to Take backup of Esxi host configuration

What is the ESXI host ?

VMware ESX and VMware ESXi are hypervisors that use software to abstract processor, memory, storage and networking resources into multiple virtual machines (VMs). Each virtual machine runs its own operating system and applications. Hypervisors work by creating logical pools of system resources to enable multiple virtual machines to share the same physical resources.

ESX hosts are the servers/data storage devices on which the ESX or ESXi hypervisor has been installed. The use of hypervisors such as ESX and ESXi to create VMs (virtualization) is highly efficient, as one host device can support multiple (up to a dozen or more) VMs

How to Take backup of Esxi host configuration

1. SSH should be enabled.

2. Take a putty session of Esxi host.

>> Run the following commands

[root@ESXI01:~] vim-cmd hostsvc/firmware/sync_config

[root@ESXI01:~] vim-cmd hostsvc/firmware/backup_config

The bundle can be downloaded at http://*/downloads/46783918-81af-dd10-0sb5-bda511e1dfda/configBundle-ESXI01.tgz


Open the browser and copy and paste the above URL  http://ESXI01/downloads/46783918-81af-dd10-0sb5-bda511e1dfda/configBundle-ESXI01.tgz

Note: just replace IP address/hostname as * place.


How to Take backup of Esxi host configuration How to Take backup of Esxi host configuration Reviewed by Virtulization on May 04, 2021 Rating: 5

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