
Update network configuration ThrowableProxy.cause

 We built new ESXi hosts and created new dvSwitch.

I encountered the following error while converting a port group from vSwitch to dvSwitch.

"Update network configuration


 An error occurred while communicating with the remote host. Network configuration change disconnected the host 'esxihost-01s' from vCenter server and has been rolled back. ThrowableProxy.cause A change in the network configuration disconnected the host 'esxihost-01' from vCenter Server. The change has been rolled back

In my environment, the most recent version is vCenter 7X, and Esxi hosts 7X versions as well.

I tried several troubleshooting methods without success.

Workaround: Re-deployed new dvSwitch 7.0 version and add all esxi hosts again.

Then update the dvswitch to the most recent s7.03 version

Update network configuration ThrowableProxy.cause Update network configuration ThrowableProxy.cause Reviewed by Virtulization on April 27, 2023 Rating: 5

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