
vCenter failed to configure network IP address

 setting ip/ipv6 configuration failed: {'IP configuration not allowed',}

Today, I tried to change IP address via GUI method. I'm getting error " setting ip/ipv6 configuration failed: {'IP configuration not allowed',}"


When I tried to run command on command line it was fixed the issue.

Please follow below steps to resolve the issue.

> Take vCenter VM console on webbrowser.

> Press ALT+ F1 to go to command prompt and enter root credentials.

>  Shell

>  Type vami command located /opt/vmware/share/vami/vami_config_net and press enter to change IP

I want to change IP address of vCenter VM. Here I will type 6 number for IP address change. Next chagne the gateway and choose option 2.

it will show the current configuration and exit this program using 1 number in menu. 

vCenter failed to configure network IP address vCenter failed to configure network IP address Reviewed by Virtulization on December 10, 2022 Rating: 5

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