
How to power off virtual witness host in vSAN

 How to power off virtual witness host in vSAN

I'm facing one challenge, I need to put esxi host maintenance mode where reside witness vm. 

Therefore, I followed bellow steps before put esxi host maintenance mode.

Virtual witness host should be treated as a real host when it comes to powering it off so here’re the steps for it: 

1. Put witness host in MM. 

2. After the host enters MM, power it off. 

3. You can now do whatever you want with the VM of the witness host. 

4. When you go back to power it on, power on the VM of the witness host. 

5. Power on the witness host. 

6. Exit from MM

(MM = maintenance mode)

The Impact of this operation: 

Stretched cluster functionality will be off till witness host comes back online. 

No impact will happen to the running VMs on the cluster.

How to power off virtual witness host in vSAN How to power off virtual witness host in vSAN Reviewed by Virtulization on February 16, 2022 Rating: 5

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